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Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.

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Miracles of Green Barley.

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Your Total Food For A Healthy and Better You!.



Buah Merah Mix is a synergistic formulation of six (6) super fruits and super green foods that produced the first-ever complete combination of essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino-acids and phyto-chemicals  in their organic, non-toxic and all-natural form. It's the purest you can get from the healing wonders of nature! 

Buah Merah Mix is an herbal health drink for everyone! It supports the body's natural healing ability and highly recommended for people who are suffering from cancer, tumor, cysts, infections, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high-blood pressure, high-cholesterol, Alzheimer's disease, kidney and liver problems, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS,  prostate problem, osteoporosis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other chronic degenerative diseases. 

Synergy of Six Super Foods and Anti-Oxidants

The Buah Merah Mix of Essensa Naturale is an organic, not-toxic, all natural herbal health drink derived from nature's most nutritious fruits and green foods: Buah Merah, Barley, Wheat Grass, Moringa, Mangosteen and Guyabano. 

The synergistic combination of these super foods have produced a complete supply of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and pytho-chemicals that are essential for the holistic nourishment of the human body and healing from sickness and diseases.

Complementary Benefits from other Super Foods
Barley, Wheat Grass and Moringa are recognized worldwide as the most nutritious among the super greens. They contain high levels of chlorophyll, known as blood builder, and an astounding concentration of anti-cancer enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phyto-chemicals. Specifically, the juice extracts from young barley grass are known to contain all the nutrients required by the human body from birth to old age.  All these super greens also contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which are vital for colon-cleansing and detoxification of bad cholesterol from our veins and arteries. 

Mangosteen is crowned as the Queen of All Fruits! It contains 40 biologically-active, natural chemical compounds called Xanthones, which can help people who have cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Mangosteen also have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidant properties. 

Guyabano is known as the "Miraculous Natural Cancer Killer" and its potency is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. A study by the National Cancer Institute found that Guyabano leaves and stems are effective in attacking malignant cells but do not destroy the healthy cells, unlike synthetic chemotherapy. Guyabano also have many other health benefits, including natural reliefs for diabetes, high-blood pressure, chronic pains from arthritis, joint and back problems, and rheumatism, and many more.  

Each of these super foods offers many health benefits to the human body. But combined together they bring an unparalleled synergy of nutrients that can help the human body to recover from a myriad of chronic degenerative diseases. 

This has been made possible only with Buah Merah Mix. Thanks to Essensa Naturale! 

Origin and Health Benefits of Buah Merah

Buah Merah comes from the Indonesian term Buah (meaning Fruit) and Merah (meaning Red). It simply means Red Fruit and looks like a giant carrot. Buah Merah can only be found in the mountainous parts of Papua, Indonesia. 

Dr. Nishigaki from the School of Medicine of Shinshu University in Japan, discovered the miraculous healing benefits of Buah Merah. His research found out that the Buah Merah oil extract contains extremely high levels of a rare anti-oxidant called Beta-Cryptoxanthine which can strengthen the human body's immunity against chronic and degenerative diseases. Dr. Nishigaki also found out that Buah Merah significantly lowers risk of lung cancer. 

Another scientist, Professor Elin Yulinah Sykandar, from the Pharmacy Department of the Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, also studied the anti-inflammatory properties of Buah Merah. Her laboratory experiments have shown that Buah Merah contains inflammatory inhibition activities with performance as high as 97%, yet it does not pose any toxicity effect on the human body. This research laid a solid proof on Buah Merah's anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties. 

Buah Merah is recognized as a Functional Health Food in Japan and has been used by the Japanese consumers since 2006.